In a time of so much
conflict and hate,
why not shine a light on love?

About the book

Cries From Quarantine is a tender, insightful book of poetry about love of all kinds. From the unconditional type of familial love to the unconventional type of romantic love, the verses curated for this collection are intended to inspire a universal truth: that self-love is at the heart of all love. Each poem is written with gratitude for the stillness brought on by the 2020 pandemic.

Cries From Quarantine

Cover artwork by Gregory B. Cooke

Dana Thompson

A journey to self-love

Why Cries From Quarantine? Because we all need a way to acknowledge, reflect and release. Quarantine was no doubt uncomfortable and unfamiliar–at times made worse by an unrelenting sense of loneliness. In this pandemic, so many of us have discovered or reconnected with parts of ourselves that we would have never had the opportunity to reach without the gift of time and isolation.

Find your connection

Cries From Quarantine is about gaining a perspective shift and letting go of anything heavy. About finding an outlet for emotional processing and self-expression whether that’s journaling, meditating, hiking, dancing…whatever it takes. Poetry just so happened to be the author’s choice. She found a path to healing and freedom through writing. 

What’s going to allow you to discover the gift of radical self-acceptance? From there we can accept others, live with more light and love with less conditions. 

Consider this a self-love movement. Let Cries From Quarantine inspire you.

Dana Thompson